Land West of Ratby

Public Consultation

Access, Transport and Movement

This Public Consultation has now closed. Thank you for all comments received, which will be considered by Lagan Homes.

Lagan Homes have conducted a thorough appraisal of the existing conditions of the local transport network, and the impacts a development such as this could create. Ratby is considered a sustainable location for new homes, with its good levels of walking, cycling and public transport provision. The site also benefits from nearby bus services including frequent services to Leicester.

Access to the site would be achieved through four access points:

  • Desford Lane at Pear Tree Business Park;
  • Lagan Homes’ recently consented site off Markfield Road;
  • Through the site currently under construction at Martinshaw Meadows, which will be limited to serve a small number of dwellings directly adjacent;
  • Burroughs Road.


For all accesses, appropriate footways will be provided, with footways and cycleways to link into the wider walking and cycling network, as well as the new recreational routes which will be incorporated through the proposed scheme.

Within the site, the link road will have a with 3m wide shared footway and cycleway and will provide the main route through the site, including to the principal community areas.

The planning application will be accompanied by a Transport Assessment which will, amongst other things, consider the impacts of the proposals upon the operation of off-site junctions cumulatively with other recently completed developments. This will help to understand whether improvements are needed to the local highway network to address congestion caused by the proposed development.