The Benefits of the Proposed Development
This Public Consultation has now closed. Thank you for all comments received, which will be considered by Lagan Homes.
- Comprehensive landscape and biodiversity measures will provide significant new tree planting and a range of habitats that will ensure a net gain in biodiversity of at least 10%;
- Promotion of health and well-being through the provision of recreational routes connecting to the wider network and incorporating Burrough’s Road that will in part be downgraded to pedestrian/cycle access only;
- The scale of development proposed will facilitate provision of significant community facilities such as a new village hall/community hub and a primary school, and will provide financial contributions to local services and facilities such as the library;
- Significant recreational open space will be secured in perpetuity;
- A range of market and affordable housing, delivered through a Registered Provider, of different tenures and sizes to enable people to stay in the local community. The new homes would be constructed to a high standard enabling the reduction of carbon emissions through air source heat pumps, water efficiency and electric vehicle charging points;
- The proposals will stimulate the local economy through the additional spending from both the construction itself within local supply chains as well as that of future residents on local services.