Land West of Ratby

Public Consultation

Design and Landscape Principles

This Public Consultation has now closed. Thank you for all comments received, which will be considered by Lagan Homes.

Key Design Principles

Our emerging proposals for the site consider the following Key Design Principles, which run throughout the scheme:

  • Using a landscape led ‘ground up’ masterplanning approach whereby existing landscape features, such as mature trees and hedgerows, are retained and reinforced with new woodland and trees to create a green framework, in which built development can be sensitively integrated, and which is in keeping with the site’s location within the National Forest.
  • Develop and deliver appropriate design and landscape strategies that address the development’s relationship and setting with components within, or close to the site, such as Burroughs Road, Wirlybones Wood, the tributaries of Rothley Brook, and the residential edge of Ratby, including the site’s relationship with the adjacent Conservation Area.
  • Provide a green infrastructure (GI) framework which delivers ecological and recreational enhancements through, for instance the planting of new woodland, trees and hedgerows, creating areas of open space for play and recreation, and delivering a network of drainage features. This includes the creation of wide swathes of green space and native woodland planting around the perimeter of the development.
  • To create a connected layout of functional and well-designed streets, paths and routes which are accessible and easy to move through and prioritise pedestrians and cyclists and connections into Ratby. This includes retaining Burroughs Road and Public Footpaths within the site and establishing a network of integrated recreational routes for the new and wider community.
  • To provide a cluster of local facilities within the development that can be easily accessed by the wider community via Burroughs Road and local footpaths. This includes the provision of land for a new primary school and a community hub type building, and improved children’s play and green space.
  • To create a high-quality built environment with a range of energy efficient well-defined new homes and buildings located within attractive well-designed streets close to areas of accessible green space.
  • A hierarchy of streets to include a ‘Primary Street’ ie the link road, through the central part of the development which will be the principal vehicular route that provides a connection from Markfield Road (via the consented Lagan Homes development) to Desford Road in the south.
  • Burroughs Road will be retained within the development and continue to provide pedestrian and cycle access from the village into the wider countryside with connections onto the existing Public Footpaths and new recreational routes. Its hedgerow and tree character will be retained and strengthened with new planting to create an attractive landscape corridor within the site. New housing and buildings will set back from Burroughs Road.