Ecology and Nature
This Public Consultation has now closed. Thank you for all comments received, which will be considered by Lagan Homes.
A range of site surveys have been undertaken to establish the baseline ecology value and help shape ecological features to be incorporated into the proposal. The detailed surveys will be submitted alongside the planning application.
The master planning exercise has been informed by the principle of retaining existing trees and hedgerows wherever possible. Additional planting will be provided throughout the Site’s green corridors and on the edge of the Site’s interface with existing woodland.
Mitigation and enhancement measures will be provided which amongst other measures are likely to include bat and bird nesting boxes, hedgehog houses, new wetland habitats and wildflower planting. As a result of these measures, and the extensive diverse planting across the site, the development will deliver on-site a minimum of 10% Biodiversity Net Gain. This will ensure a significant improvement in the biodiversity over and above its existing condition.